
Thoughts, Ideas, Learnings & Teachings

Today's TILT - 02/15/2024

Losing weight is FAR simpler than most realize.

I’m not saying it’s easy! I’m saying it’s simple: Ensure that your body is utilizing more energy than you consume.

I can give you an estimation of your daily calorie requirements. I can give you macronutrient targets. I can teach you how to calculate a weight loss timeframe. I can bust your ass in the gym. I can give you a killer home workout program. I can even give you a meal plan (I will not. I hate them. Please don’t ask for one.)

But none of that matters if:
– your routines and behaviours don’t change.
– the objective of your physical activity doesn’t change.
– your perception of Self doesn’t change.

There are a few other things that I can help give you, and they matter more than any of those first ones…

The confidence, self-efficacy, and self-advocacy to put your well-being back into your own hands. And on your own terms.

Losing the 10lbs you recently gained and were so stressed about is great!

Now imagine how great it would have been if gaining or losing that weight wasn’t such a stressful situation in the first place.

P.S. To my fellow Matrix fans, let’s pretend that Resurrections didn’t happen. Cool? Cool.


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