
Meal prep?
Get your gym bag ready?
Review upcoming work stuff?
Grocery shop?
Tidy a room?
Sort out your vitamins/supplements?
Do an extra load of laundry?
Defrost any frozen meats?
Fill up the gas tank?
Sit down and take a damn break?
What are you doing today to help with tomorrow?
Share below and give others some new ideas too.
Your mind and body estimates the difficulty of new challenges based on past experiences.
Sometimes those past experiences can get the best of you, but you can also use them to your advantage.
With the right mindset, the experience, motivation, and confidence you gain from taking on a huge challenge will make the less difficult ones seem muuuch easier.
Perhaps you decide to choose that huge challenge yourself.
Or perhaps the elderly man driving in front of you decides to stop in the middle of a live lane without rhyme or reason, and you can’t stop in time, and you have to prove to insurance that the collision wasn’t your fault… (🤨)
In any case…make sure to highlight your success – whatever it needs to look like.
Success breeds confidence, which breeds more success.

The best exercise is whichever one you’ll do.
The best length of a workout is however long you have to do one.
The best kind of physical activity is the one that you’ll keep doing again and again.
The best anything is dependent on you, and will always be changing.
Choosing “better” makes it so that you’re never *not* doing the best.
Strong passions come with little set-backs.
Weak passions come with big ones.

I can bark orders at you and tell you what to do. That’s easy-peasy for me to do.
But what will you have truly gained?
Let’s look at your problems and explore solutions together, so you can learn how to do it on your own.
If you’re working with a coach/trainer, I hope it’s because you want to…
…Not because you have to.
“Everybody has a plan until they get punched in the mouth.”
-Mike Tyson
“If you don’t know where you’re going, you’ll end up someplace else.”
-Yogi Berra
“We cannot direct the wind, but we can adjust the sails.”
-Dolly Parton
“Be water, my friend.”
-Bruce Lee

What would happen if they took the reward/prize/bonus/promise away?
What would happen if they stopped forcing/pushing/telling/demanding from you?
Would you stop doing it?
Would you keep going?
Finding purpose/meaning in what you do prevents you from being influenced by the carrots and sticks of others.
You’ll get the next one. 👍
Or the one after. 👍
Or the one after that one. 👍
Or the one aft…You get the point. 👍

Ignorance isn’t always bliss. You must have:
1) The behaviour you want to change needs to be on your radar, and requires conscious effort. Otherwise, your autonomic system (auto-pilot) takes over and nothing changes.
…and Desire.
2) You have to want it strong enough to overcome the resistance – in whatever form it shows up as. Otherwise, your willpower will just not be strong enough to move you in that direction.
Having support, accountability, and guidance make it easier.
I can help with that.
Hard pill to swallow: Finding time isn’t the problem.
Finding it’s importance is.
Without it, the time you’ve carved out for this new endeavor will be given to something(or someone) else at the first sign of difficulty.
You’ll never “find time” because the things/people you already give it to are more important. And that’s OK!
Just know that the more important something is to you, the more likely you’ll spend time and energy doing it – even when the going gets tough.
Why is it important to you?